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Tortillitas de broccoli - Broccoli tortillas


Ingredientes (para 2 o 3)

Flores de brócoli (1 brócoli grande o 2 chicos)

2 huevos

3/4 taza de harina de coco (lo que quedo de la leche de coco, secada al horno)

120 gr. queso rallado port salut

1 cebolla

3 dientes de ajo

sal y pimienta

ghee para cocinar


Cortamos el tallo del brócoli y lo guardamos para otra receta. Aquí solo usaremos las flores.

Poner la cebolla en una sartén con ghee y saltar 10 minutos, hasta que estén doradas y transparentes.

Agregar el ajo picado y las flores del o los brócolis.

Saltar todo junto 10 o 15 minutos a fuego medio bajo, con la sartén tapada.

Revolver cada tanto.

Una vez que este cocido y el liquido se haya evaporado, lo sacamos del fuego.

Ponemos los brócolis saltados en un bowl, los pisamos bien con un tenedor y le agregamos el queso rallado, la harina de coco, la sal y la pimienta.

Ponemos ghee en una sartén y con una cuchara de sopa vamos poniendo las tortillitas a cocinar. 7 minutos de un lado , las damos vuelta y 5 minutos mas. Las sacamos de la sartén y las ponemos en un plato.

Servimos con una rica ensalada de chucrut, zanahoria y remolacha ralladas.

La combinación del brócoli y el queso con la harina de coco es delicioso!!


Ingredients (serve for 2 or 3)

Broccoli flowers (1 large or 2 small broccoli)

2 eggs

3/4 cup coconut flour (remaining coconut milk, oven dried)

120 gr. grated port salut cheese

1 onion

3 garlic cloves

salt and pepper

ghee for cooking


Cut the broccoli stem (save it for another recipe) and put flowers on a bowl.

Chop the onion and fry it in a pan with ghee.

Cook for 10 minutes, until golden and transparent.

Add the minced garlic and broccoli flowers.

Sauté all together for 10 to 15 minutes over medium low heat. Cover the pan.

Stir frecuently.

Once it is cooked and the liquid has evaporated, remove them from heat, and smash them with a fork.

Add grated cheese, coconut flour, salt and pepper.

Put ghee in the pan and with a soup spoon full, one by one, place the tortillas to cook.

7 minutes on one side, turn and cook 5 more minutes.

Serve with a healthy sauerkraut, carrots and beets salad.

Broccoli, cheese and coconut flour combination, is delicious !!

chop the onion in a pan with ghee and cook for 10 minutes, until they are golden and transparent.

Add the minced garlic and the broccoli flower (s).

Sauté all together for 10 to 15 minutes over medium low heat, with the pan covered.

Stir every so often.

Once it is cooked and the liquid has evaporated, we remove it from the heat.

We put the sautéed broccoli in a bowl, we press them well with a fork and we add the grated cheese, the coconut flour, the salt and the pepper.

We put ghee in a pan and with a soup spoon we put the tortillas to cook. 7 minutes on one side, we turn them over and 5 more minutes. We take them out of the pan and put them on a plate.

Serve with a rich salad of shredded sauerkraut, carrots and beets.

The combination of broccoli and cheese with coconut flour is delicious !!


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