Un frasco de vidrio con tapa
⁃ 4 o 5 zanahorias bio
⁃ 2/3 Agua filtrada sin cloro
⁃ Sal de mar o Himalaya
⁃ Eneldo fresco o las hierbas que más te gustan (opcional)
Pelamos las zanahorias y las cortamos en rodajas y las colocamos en un frasco de vidrio con el eneldo, ponemos un peso de fermentación y cubrimos con el agua bien mezclada con la sal.
Llenamos la jarra con el agua hasta unos 3 cm antes del borde y tapamos (dejando este espacio para que salgan los gases evitando que el frasco se rompa o se formen hongos) En mi experiencia no es necesario abrirlo, quitar el gas, moverlo etc....peo puedes hacerlo en los primeros días de fermentación. La dejamos en los gabinetes de la cocina, para evitar que le de la luz. Estará listo en 2 semanas. Nota El agua de los fermentos es un súper prebiótico! No lo tires!
Tómalo !!
A glass jar with lid
⁃ 4 or 5 organic carrots
⁃ 2/3 Filtered water without chlorine
⁃ Sea or Himalayan salt
⁃ Fresh dill or your favorite herbs (optional)
Peel carrots and cut them into slices, then place them in a glass jar with dill,
you must keep those vegetables totally submerged !
During the fermentation process, carbon dioxide produced rises up through the vegetables and pushes out any oxygen that remains to the top of the jar.
Any food that is not completely submerged and in contact with this oxygen, can become contaminated from bacterias or mold. So we can use the fermentation weights who are generally, made of food safe ceramic or glass. Check the size of the fermenting jar and the diameter of the weights, to make sure they will fit on your jar!
Fill the jar with water up to about 3 cm before the edge and cover (leaving this space for gases to escape, is good to prevent the jar from breaking)
In my experience it is not necessary to open it, remove the gas, and cover ... but you can do it on the first days of fermentation if you wish.
Store your ferments in a cool, dark place (room temperature ) It will be ready in 2 weeks. When fermentation process is complete, transfer jars to cool storage or refrigerator.
Ferments water is a super prebiotic! Do not throw it away!
Take it !!